Where do you need transformation in your life? Listen to Father Martin's 2 minute video of seeking and sharing the good news that Christ is alive and in our midst.
We would like to express our profound gratitude to the volunteers in the Music Ministry, cantors, choirs, musicians and particularly the Music Ministry “quartet”, Mary Hamlin, Sue Larson, Julie Peters and Patti Schindelar.
On Sunday, January 26, our parish's Music Director, Ron Vanasdlen, played his final Mass. Ron will now be the Director of Liturgy and Music at Divine Mercy Parish in Winnetka. We wish Ron all the blessings in his new role and thank him for six years of wonderful ministry.
On Sunday, February 2nd, all Parishioners attending Mass were invited to have their Throats Blessed on the Feast of St, Blaise. St Blaise is the Patron Saint of Throat Illness. The prayer and blessing help us in our daily life to remain free from throat illness.