Dear Parents and Students,
We have scheduled Altar servers' training sessions for new Weekday Altar servers.
If your child feels called to serve and has your support, please sign them up for three training sessions. Each new server is required to attend a minimum of three 90 minute training sessions. Most children will understand the role and will feel ready to serve after two or three sessions. A parent or guardian is required to be present for the last 20 mins of one training session to receive information on expectations and scheduling.
Before attending the training, please watch the video below for the Weekday Altar Server directives on the Parish YouTube channel. The video shows the basics of the Altar Server role in our parish. Students who prepare for the training will be more confident on the Altar and will have greater joy in their ministry.
Following the third training, please email your childs availability to serve at a weekday mass to Kelly Krueger ([email protected]). It is important that all students serve shortly after completing training; if the new server waits too long, they forget their role and their anxiety increases. The Altar Servers who train and then serve at Mass within a few days are more confident on the Altar in carrying out their ministry.
Dates for initial training are:
Please pick up students in the Narthex. Training is limited to 6 students so each can practice the role to improve their muscle memory while on the altar. A minimum of 4 students are required for each training session.
Fr. Martin Luboyera
Associate Pastor