Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time and in our readings we hear about the end times and all of the disorder of a society that does not follow the call of God in their lives. We hear about those who are afraid and turning on their friends and relatives in order to protect their own interests.
This weekend we celebrate the Ministers of Care. These are people who dedicate themselves to visit those who cannot be with us physically, those who want to receive the Body of Christ and be a part His mystical Body here on earth. Our Ministers of Care bring the Eucharist to over 500 people each week, which is roughly 26,000 per year.
The Minister of Care Ministry brings order to our world by feeding the spiritual food for our journey of life. They bring us into contact with people who are in the hospital, nursing homes and homebound and, by their acts of love, make us one in Christ. In going about our daily lives we are called to see Jesus in our interactions with one another. I want to thank the Ministers of Care who go about their work in a quiet and unselfish way. They are a blessing to our parish and our larger community of Libertyville as they support and unite us in Christ’s name.
As you go about your week, please be aware of God’s presence among us and give him thanks for all of the gifts he has given us.