In celebration of Father John Hennessey’s 80th birthday on October 17, 2021, St. Joseph Catholic Church has established the John E. Hennessey Scholarship Fund in consideration of Fr. Hennessey’s kindness and compassion for the children of St. Joseph Catholic School and the people of our parish.
Fr. Hennessey has lived a life committed to his faith and has a great passion for those in need, and he has a desire to see children formed in the Catholic faith. The most appropriate way for us to honor him was to create this scholarship fund.
Your contribution to the scholarship fund does so much more than provide financial support for a child. It allows children to spend their days in a nurturing and safe environment. It prepares a child for their future by equipping them with an education at a two time Blue Ribbon school that will be the foundation for higher education and career success. Most importantly, the investment in Catholic education is about building good character. Building children of faith with a lifelong desire to serve and live their life exemplifying the “Golden Rule.” “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27) In summary, treat others as you wish to be treated. When you donate to the Father John E. Hennessey Scholarship Fund, you are not simply making a financial contribution; you are investing in a child’s future and in St. Joseph Catholic School, a school near and dear to Father Hennessey.