New Weekend Mass Schedule Begins December 2 & 3
Thank you for your patience while the weekend Mass schedule was thoughtfully and prayerfully reviewed. The Parish Pastoral Council has approved reducing the weekend Mass schedule to 5 Masses. Starting December 2 & 3, all Masses will be in the church and the new schedule will be:
Saturday 5:00 PM & Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM (Livestreamed), 11:00 AM, and 5:00 PM
The 7:15 AM and 10:45 AM drive-in Masses and the 12:30 Sunday Mass will be discontinued.
There were 2 primary goals when considering Mass schedule changes:
Information reviewed in the decision-making process included St. Joseph Mass attendance since 2019, Mass schedules and pastoral support from surrounding parishes, and a parish-wide survey where over 1,000 parishioners provided feedback on potential schedule changes.
Here are some of the key findings:
We respect and understand that some parishioners may be disappointed with these changes. We are blessed to belong to a vibrant parish that is not threatened by consolidation or closing like many other parishes have experienced. Parish leadership believes the new schedule is necessary to reinvigorate our worship experience, focus our pastoral and ministry resources, and position our parish for future growth.