On October 4th we celebrated the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis’ conversion involved a call from Jesus to repair His Church. At first, Francis took that literally, and sought to refurbish the old worn down chapel in which he had his vision. But time and discernment led him to realize that God had something bigger in mind. How did Francis seek to repair the Church? He returned to the heart of it all: the Gospel. He served lepers, began a life of simplicity, and let go of the need for society’s approval. He also sought to bring the Gospel to life for people, and from that came the first Nativity scene. Francis re-created the scene of Jesus’ birth to make it accessible to the people of his time. Francis’ return to the Gospel has inspired generations of Christians and non-Christians alike.
Here are a few questions to think about this week in the spirit of Saint Francis:
What comes to mind when you hear the word “Gospel?”
How can you grow in your understanding of the Gospel?
In what ways can you further let the Gospel into your own heart?
In what ways can you bring the Gospel to life for those around you?
Your Companion in Jesus,
Joe Tomaso, Director of Adult Faith Formation