Beginning with the First Sunday in Lent (February 17-18 2024), we will once again offer Holy Communion under both species (bread and wine) at all Masses. It is important to note that each of us must make our own decision when it comes to receiving one or both species. It is also important to note that one does not need to receive Holy Communion under both species to receive the full grace of the sacrament.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Since Christ is sacramentally present under each of the species, communion under the species of bread alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace.” (CCC, No. 1390).
Please be patient should we run out of the Precious Blood before you come to receive. We will adjust the amount of wine that is consecrated at each Mass as we gain experience with the number of people who seek to receive.