Attend peer group sessions. The majority of these sessions are hosted by catechists in their homes so you may hear the term "Home Group" used for all 7th and 8th grade Peer Groups, even those which are hosted on site at St. Joseph Church.
Attend, along with their parents, a Commitment Mass. Before the Commitment Mass, please complete and return the Parent and Confirmandi Commitment Form to the Faith Formation Office. This form can be found here: in the 7th Grade Confirmation Handbook.
Perform 10 hours of service in the community individually, with family, with their Peer Group, or with other groups they belong to. Please use the link below to sign up adults and teens for service projects scheduled by our Service Coordinator for your convenience:
Record Service, Mass and Saint reflections regularly in the paper journal or Google forms provided.
Attend a required Confirmation retreat. Peer Groups will be assigned to attend together one of the two retreat dates offered at St. Joseph. These retreats are offered via Zoom this year. Participants can access the Zoom link invitation from their Google classroom. If a candidate cannot attend either of these retreat dates please contact the Faith Formation office to find a retreat offered by another parish in the area.
Perform an additional 10 hours of service. Click here for opportunities on: Teen Service Blitz!
Record Service, Mass and Faith reflections regularly in the paper journal or Google forms provided.
Youth continue to attend the Peer Group for 2 weeks to discuss their experience at Confirmation and transition to the High School Youth Ministry Group. There will be one closing session with their Peer Group. In addition, they will learn about and be encouraged to choose ways they'd like to get involved - to help with retreats, assist with classes as a Teen Aide, attend summer mission trip or take on other leadership roles in the parish.