Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8; 2 Tm 3:14-4:2; Lk 18:1-8
In his Second Letter to Timothy, Paul gives some advice that can be difficult to hear. Eventually, as disciples of Jesus, we will come face to face with hardship and even persecution in some form. Maybe we will be mocked, or forced to make a hard decision, or sacrifice to stay true to our faith. Maybe you’ll lose a relationship, lose out on a business deal, sacrifice some of your time that you want for yourself, or friends or family will misunderstand you. Hardship is a non-negotiable aspect of Christian life. Oftentimes, we want a way to faith and purpose that bypasses any hardship. We don’t seem to think hardship was part of the deal when we decided to follow Christ. It is through these trials that we GROW into a truly adult and mature faith. God does not leave us unequipped. But it’s up to us to commit and GROW in our relationship with God’s Word and the Church community. Have you faced any hardships, insults, or sacrifices for the sake of living your faith? Reflect on that experience, or lack thereof, and pray to receive God’s challenge to GROW this week in a way that might be uncomfortable.