While attendance at our weekend Masses has slowly increased, we are still tracking below pre-pandemic levels. With this in mind, a committee has been formed by Father Trout to review the weekend Mass schedule and make a recommendation for potential changes by this fall.
The recommendation will address the number of Masses offered each weekend along with when and where the Masses will be celebrated.
There are no changes planned to the weekday Mass or Saturday 8:30 am Mass schedule. The committee members are Fr. Martin Luboyera, Kelly Krueger, Steve Dill, Ron Paulson, Beth, and Dan Kraft.
There are 2 primary reasons driving the review of our weekend Mass schedule:
1) Our pastoral and ministry resources are strained. Over 120 ministers are required to support our 7 weekend Masses. This does not include the demands our Mass schedule places on our priests and deacons. Ensuring we have enough ministers to fill all the necessary roles at each weekend Mass continues to be a significant challenge, week in and week out.
2) Create a vibrant worship experience at all Masses. We are called to be one body in Christ. One way we perfect that is by gathering, in person, to build strong connections with our Lord and each other. Seeking opportunities to gather in larger numbers will also increase the vibrancy of our worship and support our mission to be a thriving and growing parish.
We respect and understand that parishioners prefer certain Mass times and Mass locations. The committee is committed to open communication and frequent, transparent updates on the review process. There will also be opportunities for parishioners to provide their feedback and input on potential changes. More details will be shared in the coming month on how and when parishioners can participate in the process and have their voices heard.