Each year, the Church celebrates World Day of Consecrated Life, aligning this global celebration with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2. St. John Paul II inaugurated this day in 1997 so we could take time to recognize the value of the gift of the vocation and pray for all those persons who follow Christ by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels and devote their lives to Christ and the mission of proclaiming the good news of the Gospel.
In 2023, the 27th World Day for Consecrated Life, Pope Francis recalled the special role of consecrated life in the Catholic Church. “In the People of God, sent to bring the Gospel to all people, you consecrated men and women have a special role,” the pope said in a written message for Feb. 2. This special role, he continued, stems “from the special gift you have received: a gift that gives your witness a special character and value, by the very fact that you are wholly dedicated to God and his kingdom, in poverty, virginity, and obedience.”
We want to thank and pray for all our parish priests: Frs. John, Emmanuel, and Martin, and all priests, brothers, religious sisters, and all forms of consecrated life, including lay consecration. This year, we want to highlight the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi, of which five members reside in St. Joe’s Parish: Marial Corona, Catherine Macora, Mary Maher, Lucia Ochoa, and Eleanor Seagraves.
The Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi are an international society approved by the Holy See. Impelled by the invitation of Jesus, these women respond to His call by living a total dedication to Him, seeking to respond to the current needs of the Church through varied works of evangelization. The Libertyville/Chicago community supports the Archdiocese of Chicago in its spiritual renewal programs and other works of education and formation of Christian leaders.
To find out more about the Consecrated Women, please see these websites below: