This weekend we celebrate World Mission Sunday throughout the Church in response to the Gospel invitation to solidarity with all the world’s peoples, especially those most in need of the good news of God’s love.
We would like to take this opportunity to shine a spotlight on the many dedicated ministers that work under the banner of St. Joseph’s, and to thank our parish as a whole for its commitment to promoting social justice and acts of kindness and mercy in our communities, our state and across all borders.
St Joseph’s actively supports more than 33 ministries that represent the basic tenants of Catholic Social teaching; the dignity of the human person, care for God’s creation, the dignity of work, options for the poor and vulnerable, solidarity, and peace and justice for all. We support these ministries through our time and talent with countless volunteer hours, and with our treasure, through 6 % of annual plate collections and our monthly Gold Envelops.
Being able to disburse greatly needed resources is a gift for us, but more than that, our Involvement in these ministries has brought great transformation and joy, not only to those we serve, but to our own lives. This work allows us to see all people as children of God deserving of love, mercy, justice and dignity, opening our hearts and our minds to God’s faithful love and grace.
Christ has charged us to love our God with all our heart, all our soul and with all our mind, as his greatest commandment and also that we should love our neighbor as ourselves.
This is not always easy, the stranger, the outcast, the orphan, the widow, the sick the vulnerable, the distant and the poor are all our neighbors. Loving them can be inconvenient, frustrating, and difficult, but we do it because of our baptism which makes us Disciples of Christ.
It is your gifts that make it possible for us to serve God in such a beautiful way
and we thank you. Your commitment to Social Justice and Acts of Kindness and Mercy is a testament to our faith and a profound witness to our love for our neighbor through Christ. May God bless all of us and those we serve through our ministries!