Older siblings usually have the burden of needing to be the mature ones, the role models, for their younger brothers and sisters. Whether that is actually the case is a whole other story (fellow older siblings - we know we aren’t always perfect role models, right?) Today, we find what I see as a call to be an example to the whole world. Isaiah tells Israel that other nations will walk by their light.
As you begin year-end tax planning, take advantage of the charitable tax deduction for gifts made before December 31 and consider the variety of gift options available to you. Your gift to our parish can make a great difference to us and help you as well.
A constant challenge in 21st century life is time management. For parents, I know it is hard enough to manage your own lives and schedules, then when a child enters the picture, it must seem so overwhelming. I imagine it is easy to feel like all you can do is keep your head above water as best you can.
Strengthen your Scripture knowledge, faith, and relationships: Join or start a small group of your peers to explore the Gospel of Mark! Relevant questions, contemporary reflections, and learning about the Gospel.
This year's Annual Catholic Appeal theme renews and reinvigorates us. We hear Jesus say to us, "Come, Follow Me...and bring hope to the world." Your support of the appeal means bringing hope to the world.
Please join us for our Christmas services this year. Our Parish, our spiritual family, desires that all members of our community come together to celebrate the Birth of Our Lord.
The audio of the recording for Session 3 is fixed and it is ready for viewing. Enjoy! All recordings can be viewed on the advent webpage: https://www.stjoseph-libertyville.org/advent-2021.
“The pregnant pause.” We have all heard this term, and experienced it in conversations. It is the silence right before someone speaks, usually something of significance. Why do we call it pregnant? That moment of no words is filled with anticipation of the words about to come. A statement is about to be made that could challenge us, move us, and even change us.
Each 11am Session is recorded and livestreamed and can be found on our Advent webpage along with series details. Webpage: https://www.stjoseph-libertyville.org/advent-2021
“What should we do?” The crowds ask this question of John the Baptist in the Gospel today. Surely many of us have this same question in light of our world today. When we look at the growing extremism and polarization in our own communities, increasing violence in Chicago, and climate change, it is easy to fear for our children’s future.
Donations are coming in strong. Our generous parishioners are responding to the "Closing The Budget Gap" challenge. We surpassed our weekly budgeted collections by a whopping $22,563!
Please prayerfully consider remembering our parish when you update your estate plans. These gifts help us to build a solid foundation for the Catholic formation of future generations.
Second Sunday of Advent “There’s only 2 seasons in Illinois: winter and construction.” We’ve all heard this phrase about perpetual road work in Illinois. We know from driving through roadways that are under construction what a huge project it can be. In the Gospel, John the Baptist was calling on people to start some serious roadwork: to make a straight and level road for the arrival of God
The ongoing pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the global economy. Our weekly collections have been impacted as well. As of November 14, our collections are down $116,175 from our budget.