On May 3, Vicariate 1 of Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) hosted their annual Woman of the Year awards luncheon. We honored two women from our parish; Jeanne Wilkinson (2021) and Joy Levering (2022).
Today we celebrate Jesus’ return to heaven. If we struggle to know how to feel about this event, we take our cue from Jesus’ disciples. These disciples are first-hand witnesses to the Ascension, returning afterword to Jerusalem, where “they were continually in the temple praising God.” Long-time companions of the Lord, they surely feel the pain of physical separation from Jesus.
Mass shootings have become a daily reality in America today. The Second Amendment did not come down from Sinai. The right to bear arms will never be more important than human life. Our children have rights too. And our elected officials have a moral duty to protect them.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Making all things new...God's promise and our responsibility. We are called to embrace God's promise of making all things new and to embrace our own responsibility to work with God's plan.
During the past few months, St. Joseph and St. Mary of Vernon Parishes engaged in the Renew My Church (RMC) review and discernment process. The Grouping Feedback and Discernment team (GFDT), which was made up of members from each community, met to review and discern how to respond to the call to renewal for the grouping’s parishes, including any potential changes to parish structures.
On Saturday, May 14, a gunman used an AR-15, high-capacity assault weapon to murder 10 Black Americans at a Buffalo grocery store, wounding two bystanders.
Although we are five full weeks into the celebration of Easter, today’s readings focus on newness. Our Easter food leftovers may be long gone, but the readings insist on every moment’s freshness in the risen Jesus.
Please consider making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) gift to our parish, as a reflection of His love for us all. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
On behalf of everyone at Franciscan Outreach, please accept my sincere thanks for St. Joseph Catholic Church's donation of bath towels, bedding, cleaning solutions, underwear, soaps, toiletries, and other items on 04/15/2022.
Our guests at St. Joseph Food Pantry and Most Blessed Trinity need bicycles. The cost of living is increasing and people are struggling. We have people who are struggling to get to work, to the grocery store, to their medical appointments and having a bike would be a great solution.
Nationwide, the number of people using Food Pantries is increasing. This is due to inflation and rising prices of groceries. In April alone, we had 1,353 visits to our pantry. The most effective way to help us and our guests is to give a financial donation.
St. Joseph Youth Ministry is hosting a Giveaway for the guests of the food pantry on Friday, June 17, and we need your gently used children's items! Donations can be dropped off at the food pantry between June 4-12.
Congratulations to our 130 children who celebrated their First Holy Communion. We congratulate them and invite all parishioners to pray that they will continue to grow in love for Jesus as they receive Him in the Eucharist.
It is with a heavy heart that I share this letter. In reviewing the responses to the Synod question “What about the Church breaks your heart?”, I learned that the sexual abuse crisis has both directly and indirectly affected some parishioners. It breaks my heart to hear of this. I am grateful to those who shared their experience and pain. In response, the Synod team and I contacted the Archdiocese and have been in communication with them.