Imagine giving a gift that will leave a legacy. Including an Education Endowment Fund in your will or other estate plans, you have the opportunity to secure faith formation for all parishioners; child, youth, and adult. Your gift will be preserved and invested, with the earnings providing a never-ending stream of income.
St. Joseph's parish has been delivering Meals on Wheels for 40 years! As the years have moved forward so have many parishioners. Catholic Charities Meals on Wheels needs help on the Wednesday route form 11-1 p.m.
The Waukegan Holy Family Soup Kitchen guest counts have increased 40% over the last 2 years. Volunteer Captains and volunteers are needed for Fridays and Saturdays.
Our parish provided over 600 plants to parishioners to take home and grow. The produce will be donated to our food pantry. Thank you to the parishioners that grew and donated the plants.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
While attendance at our weekend Masses has slowly increased, we are still tracking below pre-pandemic levels. With this in mind, a committee has been formed by Father Trout to review the weekend Mass schedule and make a recommendation for potential changes by this fall.
More companies now include religious organizations in their matching gifts program. Check your employer’s policies to see how your matching gift can help our parish.
It might be time to think about preplanning a funeral. A bereavement minister can meet with you either in person, on the phone or via email to help you through this simple process.
On May 3, Vicariate 1 of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) hosted their annual Woman of the Year awards luncheon. The honoree from St. Joseph is Sue Gundrum.
Our very own bed ministry made it on the front page of this week’s Chicago Catholic paper. Please take some time to read the beautifully written article about our amazing bed ministry here.
During the month of May, St. Joseph is exciting to welcome the Our Lady Untier of Knots Statue by Timothy Schmalz, a famous sculptor from Toronto to our parish. To read more about its significance, click here.