73 quilts and lap throws were made and donated by our parishioner,Pat Zotos. The quilts are given to the families visiting our food pantry and bed ministry.
Viator House is an interfaith-based program that provides hope, healing and opportunity to young men with nowhere to live while pursuing asylum claims in the U.S. immigration system.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
Our Community Garden is growing and some peppers have been harvested and donated to the families at the food pantry. Contact Mary Causey to volunteer at [email protected]
Mothers With Young Children (MYC) is gearing up for a great year! This group is for stay-at-home and working mothers of young children (newborns through early elementary age). We still have a few open board positions. Join us!
Before recommending any changes to the weekend mass schedule, obtaining feedback from St. Joseph parishioners during the review process is vitally important. We’d appreciate you taking 5 minutes to complete this short, anonymous survey.