The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
Due to some transitions within the Communications Department, the weekly eLetter will be taking a 2 week break. Please see our website and social media accounts for the most up to date information during this adjustment period.
The COVID Task Force and Archdiocese of Chicago leadership have continued to assess the evolving situation regarding mask requirements at the state and local levels, declining infection rates in many of our communities, and guidance from health departments. In light of this progress there are several updates to share.
Love. A word used so often. Sometimes when we overuse a word it loses its potency. Thankfully we have Saint Paul’s poetic words in his First Letter to the Corinthians to remind us about the power and meaning of this word. Many of you have probably heard this reading proclaimed at weddings, maybe even your own.
God delights in you. Have you ever thought about that? Too often we can be terrible critics of ourselves. How often, when talking to yourself in your head, do you start your sentences like this: “I should have…”, “I’m not (fill in the blank) enough,” “I need to be more (fill in the blank)…” I think we often tend to put ourselves down more easily than we build ourselves up.
As a teenager, Lewis fled his West African homeland for the U.S. after being beaten and jailed for protesting against his government. His family helped him fly to South America, where he began a dangerous journey by foot, bus and boat to the U.S./Mexico border. There, as a 17-year-old so far from home, he asked for asylum.
In July 2021, the Social Justice Commission and the International Sharing Ministry at St. Joseph Catholic Church contributed $7,500 to the renovations of the chapel in the village where I was born in Colombia.
Catholic Charities in Lake County continues to provide food and rental assistance to those in need. Catholic Charities has three food pantries, weekly suppers, and home delivered meals to senio
“The pregnant pause.” We have all heard this term, and experienced it in conversations. It is the silence right before someone speaks, usually something of significance. Why do we call it pregnant? That moment of no words is filled with anticipation of the words about to come. A statement is about to be made that could challenge us, move us, and even change us.
One can only imagine how exciting and rewarding it must have been for the Apostles to be part of Jesus’ ever-expanding ministry in the days leading up to His return to Jerusalem. It had to be pretty heady stuff to regularly witness miracles and experience the adulation and admiration of the huge crowds. Jesus was a rock star! And the Apostles, in their humanity, had to feel proud and pretty good about their decision to follow Jesus.
Please take a moment to read the mask mandate update. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to keep each other and the people we serve safe and well.
What must we do to inherit eternal life? Can there be a more profound question to contemplate? Unfortunately the easy answer, which for 2000 years has been available through the teachings of Jesus, seems to be eluding modern generations.
WASHINGTON- Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann, Chairman U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities issued a statement on 2021 Respect Life Month.
One of the fundamental precepts of Scriptural interpretation is that the Old Testament points to the New in which it finds the fulfillment of the Old. Each Sunday the Church provides us with readings that embody this fundamental precept.
S.H.P. Bed Ministry Update: Since the Bed Ministry began in November of 2019, they have delivered 700 beds to the families of Lake and Cook County. Dennis and Pat delivered the 700th bed earlier this week. What a blessing!
I want to share with you about our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Program. I invite you to prayerfully reflect on if RCIA may be the right step for you at this time.