The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Together at the Table. It evokes the Last Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who are together at the table with the Lord. In these images, we know ourselves as gathered together, as fed the Eucharist, and as missionary disciples sent into the world.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Together at the Table. It evokes the Last Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who are together at the table with the Lord. In these images, we know ourselves as gathered together, as fed the Eucharist, and as missionary disciples sent into the world.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Together at the Table. It evokes the Last Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who are together at the table with the Lord. In these images, we know ourselves as gathered together, as fed the Eucharist, and as missionary disciples sent into the world.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Together at the Table. It evokes the Last Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who are together at the table with the Lord. In these images, we know ourselves as gathered together, as fed the Eucharist, and as missionary disciples sent into the world.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Together at the Table. It evokes the Last Supper and the story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus who are together at the table with the Lord. In these images, we know ourselves as gathered together, as fed the Eucharist, and as missionary disciples sent into the world.
Please consider making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) gift to our parish, as a reflection of His love for us all. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
As we begin the New Year, please consider one of the greatest acts of stewardship an individual can make by including a gift to our parish in your will or trust.
Moved by Christ's call to live as disciples, we come together at the table through the Annual Catholic Appeal February 10 & 11 to care for our Church and each other. The ACA supports low-income parishes and their schools, religious education classes and other outreach programs, Catholic Relief Services and the development of our priests, among other worthy programs and initiatives.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
A life insurance gift is a powerful and simple way to provide future support for our parish. You can update your beneficiary designation or make an outright gift of an existing policy.
Join a community of over 70,000 listeners who've downloaded our enriching homilies. Subscribe to our weekly podcast featuring our worship experience and access our archive of insightful homilies
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
Thank you for your generous support of our parish over the years. As you consider your year-end giving, please note for your gift to be considered for the 2023 tax year, it must be received and/or postmarked by Sunday, December 31, 2023. We are grateful for your generosity.
As we approach this Advent season celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon us in the past year.
More companies now include religious organizations in their matching gifts program. Check your employer’s policies to see how your matching gift can help our parish.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
As you begin year-end tax planning, take advantage of the charitable tax deduction for gifts made before December 31 and consider the variety of gift options available to you. Your gift to our parish can make a great difference to us and help you as well.
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)
The theme of this year's Annual Catholic Appeal is Walking on the road with Jesus. It evokes the gospel scene of the two disciples who find themselves walking toward the village of Emmaus with a stranger, who, in fact is Jesus. (Luke 24:13-35)