In their pastoral letter against racism, “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love”, the Catholic bishops of the United States invite conversion of hearts, minds, and institutions in order to address the evil of racism that still exists in our communities. By our baptism, we are members of Christ’s body and sharers in his mission. Imitating Christ, we must care for all members of our communities, honoring each person as unique, sacred, and created in the image of God.
The powerful teaching of the Church on racism is clear: racism and every form of discrimination based on sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design. We are called to work to protect the dignity of all members of one human family by confronting racism in all its forms and by welcoming and celebrating the diversity of the many faces of the children of God in our communities. Building unity in diversity is an essential part of our mission of discipleship.
“Open Wide Our Hearts” and the accompanying study guide are for everyone. Praying through, reflecting upon, and acting upon the message of the pastoral letter is hard work, but it is work from which all will benefit. Each of us should adopt the words of Pope Francis as our own: let no one ‘think this invitation is not meant for him or her.’ We are encouraged to go through a genuine conversion of heart and to actively participate in reforming those institutions and structures that still perpetuate racial inequality and harm our sisters and brothers.
Walk Humbly with God
In the month of February we journey through the last section of the pastoral letter and the last section of the accompanying study guide. The bishops ask us to “walk humbly with God” and to press forward without fear in rebuilding our relationships, healing our communities and working to shape our policies and institutions toward the good of all.
We are asked to commit to the following actions, to press forward without fear, and take direct and deliberate steps for change.
Acknowledge Sin
Educate Ourselves
Be Open to Encounter
Resolve to Work for Justice
Work for Conversion of All and a Commitment to Life
Prayer to Address the Sin of Racism
We pray for healing to address the persistent sin of racism which rejects the full humanity
of some of your children, and the talents and potential You have given.
We pray for the grace to recognize the systems that do not support the dignity of every person,
That do not promote respect for those who are seen as other,
Who bear the legacy of centuries of discrimination, fear, and violence.
Lord of all, we ask you to hear and answer our prayers.
Give us eyes to see how the past has shaped the complex present,
And to perceive how we must create a new way forward, with a new sense of community
That embraces and celebrates the rich diversity of all, that helps us live out your call to reject
The sin of racism, the stain of hate, and to seek a compassionate solidarity supported by Your grace and Your love.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
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