We are pleased to share with you the synthesis submitted to the Archdiocese of Chicago for the 2021-23 Synod on Synodality. Our team has synthesized feedback from the online surveys and listening sessions. To read the synthesis, check out the Synod Synthesis tile to the right.
Click here for Fr. Trout's letter in response to mentions of abuse at St. Joseph's in the anonymous Synod Survey.
Thank you to all who took the time and care to respond to our Synod questions. We are so impressed with the thoughtful ownership you are taking in the Church's future.
Synodality basically means “journeying together”, a decisive theme for the life and mission of the Church. This 2021-23 Synod on synodality is intended to bring greater openness, collaboration, and mutual listening to the Church. This process begins with dioceses all over the world giving opportunities for mutual consultation at every level. The Archdiocese posed their questions differently than St. Joseph. St. Joseph asked YOU 3 questions around this theme:
1. What brings you joy in our parish?
2. What about the Church breaks your heart?
3. What are your hopes and dreams for the Parish? The Archdiocese? The Vatican?
The Synod team posed these questions in this way to answer the Archdiocese’s questions while presenting them in a more clear, concise and holistic way. The synthesis was submitted to the Archdiocese of Chicago in the format requested.
The Archdiocese of Chicago will synthesize information submitted from all parishes in Chicago Metropolitan area and forward to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. This multi-step process will culminate in a working document the bishops of the world will use in the 2023 Synod gathering in Rome.
This is a first step in a longer journey. Thank you again for participating in the Synod. We will continue beyond the initial call for feedback, to work for the renewal of our St. Joseph community. Engage! Be bold! Dream big!
How will this help our Parish?
After we have gathered information from the Survey and the Synod Listening Sessions—WE WILL NOT STOP LISTENING. At St. Joe's we will use this information as best we can to help our parish going forward.
We’re just a drop in this sea called the church. How can our feelings really matter?
Yes, our church is very large and made up of many different cultures. Even so our church still needs to hear you. She needs to see you. And She wants to journey with you.
Are all Catholic parishes taking part in this survey?All of the Bishops in the world have been asked to take a pulse of their people. This is being done in many different ways. The Bishops in the US have sent inquiries to parishes soliciting feedback. Individual parishes are soliciting responses in independent ways. If your parish has not solicited information, or if you have no knowledge of what your parish is doing, you could ask your pastor. You could also access the survey on the Chicago Archdiocesan Website and complete the survey independently. Of course, we at St Joseph are glad you have found our link and we welcome your input.
For a spirituality of journeying together. That we may be formed as disciples of Christ, as families, as communities, and as human beings, through our experience of this Synodal journey. We pray to the Lord.
For true dialogue in the Church and in Society. That through a path of perseverance, patience, and mutual understanding, we may be attentive to the experience of persons and peoples.